An excellent opportunity for the individual to look at the destructive nature of his or her addiction/alcoholism and learn means and ways to overcome it.
Offered at an affordable rate, a substance abuse evaluation is an effective means to determine the appropriate level of care for an individual.
Utilizing the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) workbook for Anger Management, the individual will identify his triggers for anger, and how to effectively manage it.
Family members will receive education about the disease of addiction and/or alcoholism and how to assist their loved one(s) in the recovery process.
This involves intervening before matters worsen and must be done quickly to reduce the chances of dire consequences.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn about addiction and how to potentially prevent it.
An excellent opportunity for those concerned about their loved ones to receive insight from a licensed professional.
This involves locating the most appropriate and affordable level of care and facility for the individual seeking treatment.